Monday, August 12, 2024


Take me out to the ballgame and I shall roast you over open coals.

Take me out to the  park and I shall strip you of all your unworthiness.

Buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks and I will see you unrelentingly to mercy's playground.

I don't care if you ever come back.

So I'll root, root, root for the whole team and if you succeed in dismay,

you'll be one,  two,  three parcels down from the rest, ole. |K


If you have a life that you've chosen (or been stuck with),  there are challenges, ups and downs, good days and bad.  But, when  something different.  I think I'm talking about clocks.  This disease can be relapsing and remitting.  I don't mean daily fluctuations.  I mean a good year, a year or two lost.

Once the front door is breached, the demands are endless.  You know you only have 3 or four trips up and down the stairs a day, but someone can't find their soccer gear up there right now!  The husband has decided on his next project and gives you a list of things that must be done right now!  The toddler needs a dwink and has a poopy diaper right now!  The 1st grader can't find her markers in the rec room (another set of stairs) right now!  The plan was to go straight to the kitchen because dinner must be started right now!

Many people can sit and watch this endless process because apparently this is the normal they expect from you. Some of them with a charitable heart will take time out of their busy day to let you know they are thinking about you. Horrible people.  Truly, the worst.  I want to go on record as saying if there is not one person ion  the entire universe that will get in the trenches with me, I will quit. I will not care if the people in "need" and charity suffer and die with thew losdsd of my kind regards. tgher problem you see is that I do not walk this road alone, goodness and mercy follows me all the days of my life. Kindness and charity beseech me with all of their thanksgivings. Your I'll or great intent are so great to you that I take a part the bitter seeds of your loneliness and grant you my heart's fondest wish.

Every year, every season. Insatiable greedy little buggars. You're so beautiful. I wish that when I spastic on you, your feet shall shrivel. When I visit you, your hands will maim. I took a part a disposable razor and all you gave me was brine. Selfish. No mystery here. Don't call me.